Saturday 12 December 2015

A friend's Mid Production Tiger I tank

The Tiger I tank left a massive impact in the armored world; when it was introduced in late 1942 nothing on the field matched its design and performance.It was just ahead of its time. Like all German tanks, the Tiger also had variants, but not too much as the sub models of the Panzer III or the Panzer IV. The Tiger I tank had three different variants - all models were practically the same with some minor but slightly obvious revision. From 1942 to mid 1944, there were the Initial Tiger I, Mid Production Tiger I (pictured) and Late Production Tiger I. The latter had very apparent revision with the road wheels distinguished it from the two predecessor models. 

What we are seeing here is a friend's Mid Production Tiger. Historically, it was developed in 1943 and saw action during or after Italian Campaign and prior and during the Allied invasion of Normandy (June 1944). What distinguished it from the earlier model were the headlights location - the Mid Production Tiger had its headlight mounted on the middle, while the initial production had two headlights mounted on both sides. The cupola hatch and height were also revised, now became shorter and commanders opened the hatch by swinging it to the left in contrary to the previous version where commanders opened it the traditional way. Last but not least, the Feifel filters were completely removed.

The owner of this model bought this from Bremen, Germany. He decided not to modify this vehicle as it's considered rare here in Brunei. Our local dealer only sells the Early variant Tiger I - which I own around 3 units.

Attention to details is very impressive.

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